• Jan’s Pea and Ham Soup

    Ingredients: 1 small leek A few small carrots About 300g chunky bacon offcuts 200g yellow split peas salt and pepper 2 bay leaves 1 clove garlic Rinse peas and boil on their own … and then remove scum from top…

  • Chocolate Womble Cake

    After making custard we had quite a few egg-whites left over.  Jan is such a womble that she could not bear to see this go to waste.  After discovering that a blender doesn’t make such great meringue,  the original plan…

  • Christmas Feast

    Christmas isn’t christmas without a proper decorated tree … or at least some branches collected from the side of the road. After fighting the hordes at Tesco and the markets we’d stocked up pretty good for our Christmas feast ……

  • Animation

    Well it’s not exactly Wallace and Gromit but it was quite fun to make. Perhaps with a bit more time .. Naut vs Octo