
Seven Sisters

We’re just back from a camping weekend down on the south coast of England. We went down on saturday when it was absolutely pouring with rain and it didn’t bode well for a great weekend. I’d booked a pitch for us at the Buckle caravan park. When we arrived the people at the front desk pretty much told us we were crazy to be camping … but we knew that our tent would be up to anything 🙂 … well .. at least I knew it would survive any kind of downpour from above … but what we didn’t realize was that water would be coming at us from below!! During the night Jan heard a kind of gurgling sound … which grew louder and louder until we felt we had to investigate. It turned out that we had camped just meters from an underground spring! Luckily .. it was meters slightly uphill .. so we did end up being dry .. but it was kinda disconcerting listening to the sound of a filling pool of water right beside us. In the morning it had mostly drained away after the rain stopped .. but in this picture you can see some muddy pits in the foreground where the water was bubbling up.

The Buckle caravan park with natural spring in the foreground
The Buckle caravan park with natural spring in the foreground

The next morning we were greeted with some fabulous weather .. which was more or less perfect for our little walk along the tops of four of the seven sisters.

A couple of the seven sisters
A couple of the seven sisters

It was kinda freaky walking along the path at the top because there was often just meters between you and a sheer drop that would have meant certain death. Seeing a few overactive dogs running madly around we wondered how many had come to a thrilling end over one of these cliffs.

Walking along the top
Walking along the top

At the end of our walk we came to a little bay where we could make our way down to the shore and look for fossils :). There were quite fragile so we didn’t take them home .. but there were heaps of nice bivalves and ammonites in the rocks. We took a picture instead …

Fossils from near Eastbourne
Fossils from near Eastbourne

And here is a nice photo of the chief fossiler ..

and me with some yellow pants

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